Language Arts Games

Play the best free online Reading Games! Check out the Top 100 Reading games from PrimaryGames.

Word Scramble

Rearrange the letters to form a valid word.

Word Scramble

Code Breaking

Break the code to reveal the message.

Code Breaking

Draw ABC: Lowercase Letters

Practice tracing each lowercase letter of the alphabet from A to Z. Hear the letter sound and learn a word that starts with each letter.

Draw ABC: Lowercase Letters


Swap letters and decipher new words in six different languages!


Spelling Cards: Autumn

Correctly spell the Autumn words below each picture.

Spelling Cards: Autumn


Find the correct answer hitting moles on the head! Once the game starts, Professor Froggy with the help of Bat-Mummy will show you the question and the moles will pop up from their holes with the possible answers.


Dragon University

Enroll at the Dragon University as a young dragon.

Dragon University

TugBoat Alphabet

Get the power to tug by selecting the one of three letters that comes first in alphabetical order.

TugBoat Alphabet

Word Search

Search for the word with a given meaning.

Word Search

Missed Letters

Practice letter recognition by trying to find the missing letter that completes each vocabulary word.

Missed Letters

Crossword Puzzle

Can you solve all the questions?

Crossword Puzzle

Space Words Defense

Show your typing skills in this challenging and fun galactic space game.

Space Words Defense